Sunday, September 2, 2007

Our Santo Stefano - Finnic Genes (a Sicilian Town in Prov. ME)

Our Santo Stefano - Finnic Genes (a Sicilian Town in Prov. ME)

I thought you would be fascinated to know:

With the help of The University of Arizona in Tucson,
Arizona, FTDNA - Jane and I were able to find a perfect mtdna
match which was U5a1a.

This means both her grandmother on her mother's side
and my grandmother on my mother's were biological

I find out at we come from a Primitive Italian People
- Ibero-Finnic Tribe.


A team of geneticists from different universities in
Italy and Spain undertook the first genetic studies of
the ancient Etruscans, based on mitochondrial DNA from
80 bone samples taken from tombs dating from the
seventh century to the third century BC in Etruria.
This study finds that they were more related to each
other than to the general population of modern Italy.
Recent studies suggested a Near East origin (U5a1a)
and Iberian origin (R1b1c6).

I always though I was ancient Greek. I was wrong. The
closest we get to being Greeks is our connection with
Baltic-Finnic people.


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